Öğrencilerimiz robot kol ve fabrika otomasyonuna dair ilk elden bilgiyi de laboratuvarlarımzda edinirler.
Algılayıcılar ve ölçme laboratuvarında karmaşık sistemlerin ölçme ve değerlendirmelerinin nasıl yapılacağını öğrenirler.
Öğrencilerimiz kontrol sistemleri laboratuvarında otomatik kontrol yöntemlerini dener ve kontrol parametrelerinin gerçek karşılıkları hakkında vizyon sahibi olurlar.
Öğrencilerimiz eğitimlerinin her aşamasında mühendisliği en etkin yöntemlerle yapmayı öğrenirler. Bilgisayar destekli tasarım laboratuvarlarında, mühendisliğin dili olan teknik resmi çizmeyi ve okumayı öğrenir ve geliştirirler. Ayrıca yazılım laboratuvarlarında da programlama dillerini ve etkin programlama yöntemlerini öğrenirler.
Öğrencilerimiz makine atölyelerinde imalat makinelerini tanırlar. Farklı parçaların imalat yöntemlerini öğrenirler ve kendi projelerinde bu parçaların imalatını yapacak yetkinliğe ulaşırlar.
Proje Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Çağlar ARPALI
Proje adı: Sualtı Optik Kablosuz Haberleşme Sistemi Tasarımı ve Uygulaması
Destekleyen kurum: TÜBİTAK (proje kodu: 113E589)
Proje Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Klaus Werner SCHMIDT Proje adı: Yeniden yapılandırılabilir üretim sistemlerinin kontrolcu tasarımı, bozukluk tanılaması ve bozukluktan toparlanması için formal bir isçerçevesi ve sürekli işakışı. Destekleyen kurum: TÜBITAK (proje kodu: 3501) |
Proje Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Klaus Werner SCHMIDT
Proje adı: Endustriyel projelerin çizelgelenmesi, kontrolü ve yazilim desteği için karar destek çerçevesi geliştirme
Destekleyen kurum: TÜBITAK (proje kodu: 1001)
Proje Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Klaus Werner SCHMIDT
Proje adı: Otomotiv Haberleşme Ağları için algoritmik çizelgelendirme yapabilen tasarım yazılımı geliştirme (AutoNET)
Destekleyen kurum: TÜBITAK (proje kodu: 1511)
Proje Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Klaus Werner SCHMIDT
Proje adı: Otomotiv Haberleşme Ağları için algoritmik çizelgelendirme yapabilen tasarım yazılımı geliştirme (AutoNET)
Destekleyen kurum: TÜBITAK (proje kodu: 1511)
· 1) Schmidt, K.W: Computation of Supervisors for Reconfigurable Machine Tools, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, vol. 25, no. 1-2, pp 125-158, 2015.
· 2) Nooruldeen, A., Schmidt, K.W: State Attraction under Language Specification for the Reconfiguration of Discrete Event Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 60, no. 6, pp.1630-1634, June 2015.
· 3) Schmidt, K.W: Optimal Supervisory Control Of Discrete Event Systems: Cyclicity And Interleaving Of Tasks, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 53, no. 3, 1425–1439, 2015
· Evci C., Gulgec M., “Effective damage mechanisms and performance evaluation of ceramic composite armors subjected to impact loading, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol 48, Issue: 26, pp. 3215-3236, 2014.
· K. Yaman and C. Çoğun, “An experimental work on using conductive powder filled polymer composite cast material as tool electrode in EDM”, Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Cilt 73, No 1-4, 2014, s. 535-543 (SCI).
· Schmidt, K.W, Breindl, C.: A Framework for State Attraction of Discrete Event Systems under Partial Observation, Information Sciences, vol. 281, no. 10, pp. 265-280, 2014.
· Schmidt, K.W: Robust Priority Assignments for Extending Existing Controller Area Network Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 578 – 585, 2014.
· Ozturk A. and Gulgec M., ‘Analytical Solution of Thermal Stresses in a Functionally Graded Solid Cylinder within Parabolic Continuous Grading’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 307, pp. 364-367, 2013.
· Ozturk, A., Gulgec, M.,”Analytical Solution of Thermal Stresses in a Functionally Graded Solid Cylinder within Parabolic Continuous Grading”, International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2012) Location: Dubai, U ARAB EMIRATES Date: DEC 20-21, 2012, MECHATRONICS AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials Volume:307 Pages: 364-367 Published: 2013.
· Ozturk A., Gulgec M., “Isı Üreten İçi Dolu Kompozit Bir Silindirde Malzeme Özelliklerinin Elastik-Plastik Deformasyona Etkisi”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol 28, No pp. 2, 283-292, 2013.
· H. B. Özerkan ve C. Çoğun, “Döner Tüp Takım Kullanarak Elektrokimyasal Delme Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi ve Deneysel İncelenmesi”, GÜMMF Dergisi, Cilt 28, Sayı 4, 2013, s. 885-896 (SCI)
· Schmidt, K.W: Verification of Modular Diagnosability With Local Specifications for Discrete-Event Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 43, no. 5 pp. 1130 – 1140, 2013.
· Ozturk A. and Gulgec M., ‘Determination of Onset of Yield Due to Material Properties in a Heat Generating Two-Layered Compound Cylinder’, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 325-326 pp 22-27, 2013.
· Schmidt, K. W., Modular Diagnosability Verification for Discrete Event Systems with Languages Specifications, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans (in press), 2013. (SCI)
· Hazir, Ö., Schmidt, K.W.: An integrated scheduling and control model for multi-mode projects, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, vol. 25, Issue 1-2, pp. 230 – 254, 2013.
· Y. Sarıkavak ve C. Çoğun, “Single Discharge Thermo-Electrical Modelling of Micromachining Mechanism In Electrical Discharge Machining”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Cilt 26, Sayı 5, 2012, s.1591-1597. (SCI)
· G. Coşansu ve C. Çoğun, “An investigation on use of colemanite powder as abrasive in abrasive waterjet cutting (AWJC)”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Cilt 26, Sayı 8, 2012, s. 2371-2378. (SCI)
· C. Çoğun, T. Ç. Deniz and G. Küçüktürk, “A Geometrical Approach For Reduction of Tool Shape Degeneration in Electric Discharge Machining (EDM)”, Machining Science and Technology, Cilt 16, 2012, s. 445-458 (SCI)
· Serap A.Arpali, Çağlar Arpali, Chiang H.H.,Ahmet F. Coskun, Aydoğan Özcan, “High-throughput screening of large volumes of whole blood using structured illumination and fluorescent on-chip imaging.” Lab Chip(RSC).,12,4968-71, 2012
· G. Coşansu ve C. Çoğun, “An investigation on use of colemanite powder as abrasive in abrasive waterjet cutting (AWJC)”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Cilt …, Sayı …, 2012 (SCI)
· C. Çoğun, T. Ç. Deniz, G. Küçüktürk, “A Geometrical Approach For Reduction of Tool Shape Degeneration In Electric Discharge Machining (EDM)”, Machining Science and Technology, Cilt …, Sayı …, 2012, (SCI)
· Dağ S., Apatay T., Guler MA., Gulgec, M., “A surface crack in a graded coating subjected to sliding frictional contact”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 80, pp. 72-91, 2012.
· Evci C. and Gulgec, M., An experimental investigation on the impact response of composite materials, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 43, pp. 40-51, 2012.
· H. Karaagac, Emre Yengel, M.S. Islam,’ Physical properties and Heterojunction Device Demonstration of Aluminum-doped ZnO Thin Films Synthesized at Room Ambient via Sol-Gel Method’, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 521, pp.155-162, 2012 (SCI)
· Hazir, Ö., Schmidt, K.: An integrated scheduling and control model for multi-mode projects, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, (in press), 2012.
· Y. Sarıkavak ve C. Çoğun, “Single Discharge Thermo-Electrical Modelling of Micromachining Mechanism In Electrical Discharge Machining”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Cilt …, Sayı …, 2012 (SCI)
· Schmidt, K., Schmidt, E.G.: Distributed Real-Time Protocols for Industrial Control Systems: Framework and Examples, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1856 – 1866, 2012
· Schmidt, K., Cury, J.E.R.: Efficient Abstractions for the Supervisory Control of Modular Discrete Event Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (in press), 2012
· Schmidt, K., Boutalis, Y.: Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems for Multi-objective Control: Framework and Application to Mobile Robot Navigation, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2012.
· E. S. Topal ve C. Çoğun, “Computer-Based Estimation and Compensation of Diametral Errors in CNC Turning of Cantilever Bars”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Cilt 22, 2011, s. 853-865. (SCI)
· Çağlar Arpali, Serap A. Arpali, Yahya Baykal, and Halil T. Eyyuboglu, “Intensity fluctuations of partially coherent laser beam arrays in weak atmospheric turbulence”, Appl, Phys. B, 103 (1), 237–244, 2011.
· Ozturk A., and Gulgec, M., Elastic–plastic stress analysis in a long functionally graded solid cylinder with fixed ends subjected to uniform heat generation, International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 49(10), pp. 1047-1061, 2011.
· Shi-Rui Guo, Jian Lin, Miro Penchev, Emre Yengel, Maziar Ghazinejad, Cengiz S. Ozkan, Mihri Ozkan,’Label Free DNA Detection Using Large Area Graphene Based Field Effect Transistor Biosensors ‘, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 11, pp. 5258-5263, 2011 (SCI)
· Schmidt, K., Breindl, Ch.: Maximally Permissive Hierarchical Control of Decentralized Discrete Event Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 723-737, 2011
· Emre Yengel, Ali B. Guvenc, Shirui Guo, H. Engin Akin, Mihri Ozkan, Cengiz S. Ozkan, ‘Metalized DNA Electrodes for Improved Hole Collection Efficiency in Polymer Heterojunction Solar Cells’, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, vol. 6, pp. 121-126, 2011 (SCI)
· Acar, A.N., Schmidt, K.W.: Discrete Event Supervisor Design and Application for Manufacturing Systems with Arbitrary Faults and Repairs, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2015.
· Hazir, Ö., Schmidt, K.W.: A Decision Support System For Multi-Mode Project Scheduling, Monitoring And Control, International Conference on Operations Research, Vienna, Austria, 2015.
· Moor, T., Schmidt, K.W.: Fault-Tolerant Control of Discrete-Event Systems with Lower-Bound Specifications, Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, Cancun, Mexico, 2015.
· Al-Jhayyish, A. M. H., Schmidt, K.W.: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Design for Heterogeneous Vehicle Strings, Engineering and Technology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, 2015.
· Deaibil, I. B. A., Schmidt, K.W.: Performing Safe and Efficient Lane Changes in Dense Vehicle Traffic, Engineering and Technology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, 2015.
· Yalcin F., Ozturk A., Gulgec, M., “A Parametric Study Of Plastic Yielding Of A Two-Layered Composite Cylinder”, Eighteenth International Conference Mechanics Of Composite Materials, June 2 – 6, 2014, Riga, Latvia.
· Ü. Şimşek ve C. Çoğun, “Elektrolitik ve Alaşım Bakır Elektrotların Elektro-Erozyon ile İşleme Performansına Etkisi”, 16th UMTİK Konf. (Int. Conf. on Machine Des. and Prod.), 30 Haziran-3 Temmuz 2014, İzmir, s. 1322-1336.
· K. Yaman ve C. Çoğun, “Copper powder reinforced polyester electrodes in electric discharge machining”, 16th Int. Conf. on Machine Design and Production (UMTİK 2014), June 30 – July 03, 2014, İzmir, s. 976-983.
· O. Erdem, C. Çoğun, L. Urtekin, H. B. Özerkan ve İ. Uslan, “Toz Katkılı Dielektrikle Elektro Erozyon İşleme Performansı”, 7th Int. Powder Metallurgy Conf., 24-28 July 2014, Ankara, s. 2-3.
· O. Gülcan, İ. Uslan, Y. Usta and C. Çoğun, “Electro Discharge Machining Performance of Chromium-Copper Powder Metal Electrodes”, 7th Int. Powder Metallurgy Conf., 24-28 July 2014, Ankara, s. 191-192.
· H. Bingöl, G. Kısa, T. Başayar, F. Genç, E. Yengel, “Image-Based Remote Control Using FPGA”, 7. Muhendislik ve Teknoloji Sempozyumu, Cankaya Universitesi, 15-16 May 2014, Ankara.
· S. Alkan, F. T. Yarman Vural, “Localization of semantic category classification in fMRI images”, 22nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU), 2014
· Sülek, A.N., Schmidt, K.W.: Computation of Supervisors for Fault-Recovery and Repair for Discrete Event Systems, Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Paris, France, 2014.
· Eryilmaz, U., Hazir, Ö., Schmidt, K.W.: A Multi-Criteria Approach for Ranking Schedules for Multi-Mode Projects, International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Munich, Germany, 2014.
· Hazir, Ö., Schmidt, K.W., Eryilmaz, U.: An Optimization Model To Coordinate Scheduling and Controling in Projects: Case with Instantaneous Control Constraints, OPT-i: An International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization (accepted), Kos, Greece, 2014.
· Schmidt, K.W., Hazir, Ö., Eryilmaz, U.: A Tabu Search Algorithm for Integrated Project Scheduling and Control, Engineering and Technology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, 2014.
· Kart, B.E., Schmidt, K.W.: Computation of Reduced Diagnosers for the Fault Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems, Engineering and Technology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, 2014.
· Khalid, H.M., Schmidt, K.W.: Abstraction-Based Modeling and Control For Reconfigurable Machine Tools (RMT), Engineering and Technology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, 2014.
· Yalçın, F.; Ozturk, A.; Gulgec, M., “Effect of the Material Properties on the Yielding of the Two-Layered Composite Cylinder with Free Ends”, 13th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE-2013), June 24- 27 2013, Almería, Spain.
· O. Erdem, C. Çoğun, İ. Uslan, L. Urtekin ve H. B. Özerken, “Elektro-Erozyon ile İşlemede Döner Elektrot ile Delik Delmede Dielektrik Sıvısına Karıştırılan Tozların ve Isıtmanın İşleme Performansına Etkisi”, Makine İmalat Teknolojileri Kongresi, MATİT2013, 6-7 Aralık 2013, Bursa, s. 212-221.
· Sülek, A.N., Schmidt, K.W.: Computation of Fault-Tolerant Supervisors for Discrete Event Systems, Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (accepted), York, England, 2013.
· Hendi, H.M., Kirik, M. S., Schmidt, K.W.: Abstraction-based Supervisory Control for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (accepted), York, England, 2013.
· M. Dünder ve C. Çoğun, “Bir Cam Fabrikasındaki Yerleşim Düzeninin İyileştirilmesi”, 15th UMTİK (Int. Conf. on Machine Des. and Prod.), 19- 22 Haziran 2012, Pamukkale, Denizli.
· Boutalis, Y., Moor, T., Schmidt, K.W.: Fuzzy Hybrid Systems Modeling with application in Decision Making and Control, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012.
· Kartal, Y.B., Schmidt, E.G., Schmidt, K.W.: Paylasimli Ethernet Üzerinde Çalisan Özgün Bir Gerçek-zamanli Haberlesme Protokolü Isçerçevesinin Dogrulanmasi, IEEE Sinyal Isleme ve Iletisim Uygulamalari, Fethiye, Turkey, 2012.
· Ozturk, A. and Gulgec, M., “Analytical Solution of Thermal Stresses in a Functionally Graded Solid Cylinder within Parabolic Continuous Grading”, International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2012), 20-21 December 2012, in Dubai, UAE.
· Schmidt, K.W.: Ayrik Olayli Sistemlerde Hatadan Toparlanma Için Gözetimli Kontrol, IEEE Sinyal Isleme ve Iletisim Uygulamalari, Fethiye, Turkey, 2012.
· Schmidt, K.W.: Supervisor Synthesis for Reconfigurable Machine Tools, Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2012.
· Sülek, A., Afsar, K. U., Schmidt, K. W.: Yeniden Yapilandirilabilir Üretim Sistemleri için Kontrolcu Tasarimi, Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Semposyum, Ankara, Türkiye, 2012.
· Turan, U., Schmidt, E.G., Schmidt, K.W.: Dinamik Dagitik Gerçek Zamanli Endüstriyel Iletisim Protokolu (d2gep) Gerçeklestirimi, IEEE Sinyal Isleme ve Iletisim Uygulamalari, Fethiye, Türkiye, 2012.
· A. Özgedik ve C. Çoğun, “Elektro-Erozyon ile İşlemede İşleme Haznesine Uygulanan Titreşimlerin İşleme Performansına Etkilerinin İncelenmesi”, Makine Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, Cilt 8, Sayı 3, 2011, s. 13-25.
· Boutin, O., Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Schmidt, K., van Schuppen, J.H.: Hierarchical Control with Partial Observations: Sufficient Conditions, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, USA, 2011.
· Ozturk, A. and Gulgec, M., “ Determination of Onset Of Yield due to Material Properties in a Heat Generating Two-Layered Compound Cylinder, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace (ICMERA 2011), Bucharest, Romania, 20-22 October, 2011, pp. 226-230.
· Moor, T., Schmidt, K., Wittmann, T.: Abstraction-Based Control for Not Necessarily Closed Behaviours, IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 2011.